St. Patrick Faith Formation Program will begin registration on August 26th from 6pm to 8pm. Other dates for registrations are as follows: Aug. 27th, Sept.9th, 10th, 16th 17th, from 6pm to 8pm. Call the office if you have questions.
St. Patrick Independence Faith Formation Team is organizing a Vacation Bible School for children age 3-12 years old on July 8th-12th from 9am-12:30pm. It will be a fun week learning about the bible and about Jesus. To register, please contact the parish office or download the registration form above.
The celebration for the Sacrament of Confirmation for the Youth will on June 4th at 6pm, St. Mary Corvallis Church. The address to the church is 501 NW 25th St. Corvallis, OR 97330. Will be presided by the Most Rev. Archbishop Alexander Sample.
Chris Brunelle is coming to St. Patrick Church on May 17th, 7pm at the Church, to give a free concert rendering Christian music and more. All are invited and welcome.
St. Patrick will celebrate All Saints Day's with the following schedule: 10am English Mass (church) 5pm English Mass (WOU Campus), and 7pm Spanish Mass (church).
St. Patrick will host a welcome dinner for new parishioners from the last three years 2020-2023. The dinner is Nov. 7, Tuesday, at 6:30pm, Cornish Hall. If you are new parishioner, please rsvp, call the parish office.
St. Patrick Church is looking for a part time campus minister. Responsibilities involve reaching out to college student of Western Oregon University, and organizing activities to help them grow in the faith. If interested, please contact the parish office
Please pray for us. It is a very hard and difficult time. There is no human hope: only from the Lord. Prayers for the souls in Purgatory, spiritual/corporal needs, apostolates and for faith, trust and perseverance. Also, prayers of honor and gratitude to the Lord, Mary, Saint Joseph, the Angels and Saints.
A year ago our son Chris had a serious stroke. It has been very tough. Last night he had a seizure and some stroke like symptoms, He is still in the hospital. Please pray for him and for all of us who love him.
Thank you to all that donated and helped in making the July 4th Booth successful. Special thanks to Norma, Groupo Charismatic and the San Juan Diego Women’s group for coordinating. Gross Revenues in Monmouth were $7,577 and Independence was $8,029 Submitted by J. Woods